To the majority of Americans, a pasta dinner means a comforting plate full of refined spaghetti noodles, drenched in tomato sauce and topped with processed Parmesan cheese. Simple, delicious, and inexpensive, it's the classic standby meal. Unfortunately, it doesn't provide much nutritional value, other than the lycopene in tomato sauce and the minimal fiber and vitamins found in the noodles.

Rest assured, pasta can be a nutritious meal if you only make a few adjustments to your normal recipe. Start off by making small changes to your next pasta dinner. Try adding some diced onions, peppers, mushrooms, or zucchini to your next spaghetti meal. Once you get a little more adventurous, start experimenting with new pasta dishes with a larger variety of ingredients.
The following recipe is one I highly recommend if you are looking to expand your pasta dinner repertoire.